About Me

My Background


Originally from Texas I am now in New Jersey as a Ph.D. Candidate at Rutgers University in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Growing up I played clarinet and wanted to go into music education. It was not until college that my love of science was rekindled and I realized I wanted to pursue a career in astrophysics.

After high school I went to college at Texas A&M University (Gig 'em, Aggies!) where I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Physics. I was able to participate in reserch opporitunities at my own institution and at Northwestern University through an REU program. I originally began research in high redshift photometry but shifted to working with cosmological simulations about half way through college. I now continue work in theoretical astrophysics by analyzing the Lyman-alpha forest and feedback models in cosmological galaxy formation simulations.

My Interests


From my research experience, I have developed a love for writting and optimizing code to analyze large data sets. Additionaly, to scratch that artistic itch from my time in music, I enjoy exploring the best ways to visualize my research data.

Apart from my research, I enjoy learning new hobbies (current interests include sewing, painting, and carpentry), playing video games, and taking care of my two pet rabbits. My rabbits names' are Vladimir (left) and Carmilla (right), they have been happily bonded for nearly a year. They are gluttons for their nightly greens and their favorite treat is obviously some banana.